Episode S06E01 – Jason Calacanis and Angels in Australia

Four years ago Jason Calacanis charged us with creating the first international podcast worthy of his “This Week in Startups” branding.

Jason Calacanis

In those four years Australia’s startup community has grown from strength to strength – and legendary angel investor Jason Calacanis joins us to launch series 6 of TWISTA with a wide-ranging conversation about what it takes to make it in the news business, how he grades each investment offer presented to him, why ICOs aren’t the end of angel investing – and how Australia can build upon its incredible startup success.

An interview 23 years in the making – on this episode of TWISTA!

Update 11 July 2018 – This morning INSIDE.COM announced it’s raising a round of funding to expand its operations – with Jason leading the round. Find out more here.

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