How do startups prepare for exponential growth? Coviu CEO Silvia Pfeiffer and Guardian Circle CEO Mark Jeffrey, both at the right place and right time, managing exponential sales growth.
TWISTA S08E04 The J Curve
Big thanks to our sponsor UTS Startups – driving the next generation of entrepreneurs – more at
How has the pandemic affected Australia’s startups? ‘Rescue’ Mike Nicholls and Cheryl Mack join us to review how the pandemic has affected Australia’s startups – and what may come next.
TWISTA S08E02 News Special
Cheryl Mack is keeping a list of ‘Australian Programs, Resources and Support for Startups’ here.
Cheryl also wrote a great post about ‘the new normal’ — surviving the pandemic as a startup here.
Mike Nicholls’ portfolio companies at Main Sequence Ventures are always looking for talent – if you need a job, look here.